This Read_Me_General.txt file was generated on 2024.06.02 by Shahrzad Mirhosseini ------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- # Title of Dataset: * research data/data sets associated with PhD dissertation/research of Shahrzad Mirhosseini, entitled: Modeling the Effect of Retained Austenite in Forming of TRIP-Aided Dual Phase Steel # Author Information: * Principal Investigator: Shahrzad Mirhosseini, University of Twente, Drienerlolaan 5, 7522 NB Enschede, * Associate or Co-investigator:prof. dr. ir. Ton van den Boogaard, dr. ir. Eisso Atzema * Alternate Contact(s): - # Date of data collection (single date, range, approximate date): * 2018.10.01 till 2023.01.01 # Geographic location of data collection: * Enschede, Overijssel, Netherlands. # Information about funding sources or sponsorship that supported the collection of the data: * Materials Innovation Institute, TATA Steel -------------------------- SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION -------------------------- # Licenses/restrictions placed on the data, or limitations of reuse: * The data is available internally to the NSM research group # Recommended citation for the data: * DOI: 10.3990/1.9789036561136 # Citation for and links to publications that cite or use the data: * DOI: 10.3990/1.9789036561136 # Links to other publicly accessible locations of the data: * - # Links/relationships to ancillary or related data sets: * - -------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW -------------------- # File list (filenames, directory structure (for zipped files) and brief description of all data files): * The root folder includes six subfolders including all the inputs and output files necessary to reproduce the results of chapters 4 to 9. Chapters 1-3 and chapter 10 have been excluded since they only involve the introdution, description of the martensitic transformation and derivations of equations in addition to the concluding remarks. Thus there is no data or code available for these four chapters. # Relationship between files, if important for context: * - # Additional related data collected that was not included in the current data package: * - # If data was derived from another source, list source: * - # If there are there multiple versions of the dataset, list the file updated, when and why update was made: * - -------------------------- METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION -------------------------- # Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: * A physical model to predict mean field based martensitic phase transformation is developed in this thesis. It also involves several comparisons of the mean field model and crystal plasticity finite element simulations. For more details, see DOI: 10.3990/1.9789036561136 # Methods for processing the data: * The nonlinear solid mechanics chair in-house codes for mean field homogenization and crystal plasticity model are used to generate the data. # Software- or Instrument-specific information needed to interpret the data, including software and hardware version numbers: * Abaqus/Standard 2018 and 2021, Matlab 2021b, fortran compiler (gcc and intel both possible in mean field codes), python 3.9. # Standards and calibration information, if appropriate: * Calibrations used for each chapter are included in the subfolders of the corresponding chapter. # Environmental/experimental conditions: * Experimental data used for each chapter are included in the subfolders of the corresponding chapter. # Describe any quality-assurance procedures performed on the data: * - # People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: * Shahrzad Mirhosseini -------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION -------------------------- # Number of variables: * Number of variables depend on the scheme of each chapter and are described in the subfolders of each chapter. # Number of cases/rows: * - # Variable list, defining any abbreviations, units of measure, codes or symbols used: * The variables descriptions are available in the material models subroutines corresponding each chapter, respectively. # Missing data codes: * - # Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: * -