Second order and transverse flow visualization through three-dimensional particle image velocimetry in millimetric ducts rights and content
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  • 3D scanning Particle Image Velocimetry system for measuring oscillating flows.

  • Stroboscopic and semi-Lagrangian Particle Image Velocimetry analysis.

  • Net motion and time-resolved flow quantification with two analysis methods.

  • Validation of experimental data with computational fluid dynamics simulations.

  • Effect of geometry on transverse flow in millimetric ducts.


Despite recent advances in 3D particle image velocimetry (PIV), challenges remain in measuring small-scale 3D flows, in particular flows with large dynamic range. This study presents a scanning 3D-PIV system tailored for oscillatory flows, capable of resolving transverse flows less than a percent of the axial flow amplitude. The system was applied to visualize transverse flows in millimetric straight, toroidal, and twisted ducts. Two PIV analysis techniques, stroboscopic and semi-Lagrangian PIV, enable the quantification of net motion as well as time-resolved axial and transverse velocities. The experimental results closely align with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations performed in a digitized representation of the experimental model. The proposed method allows the examination of periodic flows in systems down to microscopic scale and is particularly well-suited for applications that cannot be scaled up due to their complex, multi-physics nature.


Scanning particle image velocimetry (PIV)
Three-dimensional three-component (3D3C)
Secondary flow
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
Dean vortices
Low Reynolds number

Data availability

Data will be made available on request.

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These authors contributed equally.